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IST-EURECOM Light Field Face Database





The IST-EURECOM Light Field Face Database (IST-EURECOM LFFD) is made available to address the lack of publicly available light field face resources to be used as the basis for the design, testing and validation of novel light field imaging based face recognition systems.

The database consists of 100 subjects, with images captured by a Lytro ILLUM light field camera, at the Multimedia signal Processing Group of Instituto de TelecomunicaçõesInstituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, and at the Imaging Security Lab at EURECOM, SophiaTech Campus, Nice, France. The image acquisition process has been repeated in the two labs with a very similar setup. Two separate sessions were performed for each subject with a temporal separation between 1 and 6 months. The database includes 20 image shots per person in each of the two sessions, with several facial variations including emotions, actions, poses, illuminations, and occlusions.

The IST-EURECOM LFFD database can be used not only in the context of face recognition research but also for other research areas such as emotion recognition, gender classification, age estimation, ethnicity classification and face modeling.


This site contains the 50 subjects of the database captured at Instituto de Telecomunicações – Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal. The remaining 50 subjects, captured at EURECOM, SophiaTech Campus, Nice, France can be accessed at




·        The IST EURECOM Light Field Face Database is the first database to include the raw light field images, sample 2D rendered images and the corresponding depth maps along with a rich collection of metadata, including the location of a set of facial landmarks.


License agreement:

·        To use the database please fill in the license agreement and send a scanned copy of the signed form by e-mail.



·        The database can be downloaded from the links below (the size of each part is around 4GB).

·        A password for decrypting the compressed Zip files will be provided after receiving the duly signed license agreement (see above).

part01, part02, part03, part04, part05

part06, part07, part08, part09, part10

part11, part12, part13, part14, part15

part16, part17, part18, part19, part20

part21, part22, part23, part24, part25

calibration file

 ·        New: face bounding box coordinates for the 2D central view rendered using the light field toolbox v.4 (IST and EURECOM parts): 2D face bounding box coordinates


How to reference the database:

·        A. Sepas-Moghaddam, V. Chiesa, P.L. Correia, F. Pereira, J. Dugelay, “The IST-EURECOM Light Field Face Database”, International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics, IWBF 2017, Coventry, UK, April 2017



Feedback is welcome. Please provide your comments and suggestions by e-mail.