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Lenslet Light Field Ear Database





The Lenslet Light Field Ear Database (LLFEDB) aims to address the lack of light field ear resources, to be used as the basis for designing and reliably comparing light field imaging based ear recognition systems.

The proposed ear database consists of 536 light field ear images from 67 subjects, with 8 image shots per person, captured with a Lytro ILLUM lenslet light field camera, over two separate sessions, with four different poses per session. This dataset is derived from the IST-EURECOM Light Field Face Database (LFFD), containing only the ear region from a relevant subset of images.

The LLFEDB includes critical cases such as ear images partly occluded by ear piercing, earing, hair and combination of occlusions.



The LLFEDB is composed by:

i)                   Multi-view sub-aperture arrays;

ii)                 2D images rendered by the light field toolbox v.4;

iii)               Ear bounding box coordinates for the 2D central view rendered face images from IST-EURECOM LFFD using the light field toolbox v.4 (including the list of the selected images from IST-EURECOM LFFD). The raw light field ear images as well as camera calibration file can be downloaded from and


License agreement:

To use the database please fill in the license agreement and send a scanned copy of the signed form by e-mail.



The database can be downloaded from here (the size is around 2.7 GB).

A password for decrypting the compressed Zip files will be provided after receiving the duly signed license agreement (see above). 


How to reference the database:


·        A. Sepas-Moghaddam, F. Pereira, P.L. Correia, "Ear recognition in a light field imaging framework: A new perspective", IET Biometrics, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 224 - 231, May 2018.


·        A. Sepas-Moghaddam, V. Chiesa, P.L. Correia, F. Pereira, J. Dugelay, “The IST-EURECOM light field face database”, International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF), Coventry, UK, April 2017



Feedback is welcome. Please provide your comments and suggestions by e-mail.